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Common questions you’ll find answers to:

  • How to add an associated resident to my profile?
  • How to add a visitor or vendor to my profile?
  • How to add or remove a vehicle from my profile?
  • How to add or remove a credential to my profile?
  • Why is my visitor and vendor passes limited by how many days?

Associated Resident Management:


  • How do I add an Associated Resident?
    • Only Primary Residents have the option to add Associated Residents.
    • From the Menu Bar select “My Stuff” and click on “Associated Residents”. This page will show you a list of all Associated Residents in the household
    • To add a new Associated Resident, navigate to the top right of the screen and select the ADD button
    • Add the First and Last name, email address, and complete the remaining fields. Click save to create the Associated Resident
    • The Associated Resident will receive an email with Login instructions to login and create a secure password
    • To make any changes, click on the Actions button next to the Associated Residents name and click View. Click on the Edit button at the top right of the screen and proceed to make any necessary changes and click save

Visitor and Vendor Access Management:


  • How do I add a Visitor or Vendor?
    • When you first login to Proptia you will see your Dashboard. This page will show you a list of all Temporary and Permanent Visitors and Vendors
    • To add a Visitor or Vendor, navigate to the top right of the screen and select the “Add Visitor” button
    • Choose if you are creating a Temporary or Permanent Visitor. (Temporary Visitors will drop off your Visitor list after their visit or pass expires, Permanent Visitors will stay on your Visitor list until you manually remove them)
    • Choose Registration Type and select Individual or Event
    • Select Visitor Type, Guest or Vendor. Each Visitor Type will have specific Pass Types and Time Durations to select from
    • Add the First and Last name of your Visitor and complete the remaining fields. If you would like to auto send a new PASS/CODE, you may email an ePass to your Visitor by adding their email address into the field. If you do not know your Visitors email address you can add your email address and send the pass to yourself. You may then share the information with your Visitor, e.g., text the ePass to your Visitor
    • In the field “Notes for Attendant”, add any notes for the Attendant at your Guard house.
    • Set your arrival and end date which must fall within the duration of the pass type
    • Select save to add the Visitor or select Send ePass to email the ePass to your visitor


  • How do I send an ePass to a Visitor or Vendor already in my directory?
    • When you first login to Proptia you will see your Dashboard. This page will show you a list of all Temporary and Permanent Visitors and Vendors
    • If the Visitor or Vendor is already in your directory, depress the “Send ePass” link to auto send new PASS/CODE
      • Note: The Visitor or Vendor Email address MUST be included for the PASS/CODE to be sent
    • If you choose to send an ePass the system will use the default settings setup when you initially added the Visitor
    • To make any changes, click on the Actions button next to the Visitor or Vendor name and click View Visitor. Click on the Edit button at the top right of the screen and proceed to make any necessary changes and click send ePass


  • Why is my visitor and vendor ePass limited by how many days?
    • Enhanced Security. The goal of Proptia is to provide ease of sending ePasses to help Secure Your Community
    • Pass Types have pre-determined day and time durations that were created by your Board and Property Management Team. If you have any questions about Pass Types, please contact your Property Management Team


  • What is the difference between a Visitor and Vendor ePass/code?
    • Visitor ePasses generally allow access 24 hours per day and 7-days per week
    • Vendor ePasses can be limited by the BOD for access during CC&R dictated vendor hours

Vehicle Management:


How do I add a new vehicle or remove a vehicle in my profile?

  • For security purposes, your board of directors has chosen to have all vehicles added or removed by the property manager; the Vehicle Directory screen will not include an ADD Vehicle button so please contact your property manager (you may also use the SUBMIT TICKET on the top nav-bar) for your request
    • Please provide your property manager the following vehicle information:
    • Make I Model I Color I Year I Plate (note if temp) I Transponder Info. (if known)
    • If you dispose of a vehicle, have it removed from your profile to restrict access into your community
      • Make I Model I Color I Year I Plate (associated transponder credential will be auto deactivated)


Credentials for Vehicles:


  • How do I add a new credential to my profile?
    • For security purposes, access to the community and amenities is controlled by your board of directors
      • The BOD generally delegates this function to the property manager, security company or dealer
    • Requesting a new credential via the Submit Ticket button on the top navigation bar
      • Please provide the following information within your Ticket request
      • Make I Model I Color I Year I Plate (note if temp) I Transponder Info. (if already known)
      • If you dispose of a vehicle, have it removed from your profile so it cannot gain access to your community
        • Make I Model I Color I Year I Plate (associated transponder credential will be auto deactivated)

Where can I go for help?


  • If you still have any questions or need further assistance, please submit a ticket by clicking on the purple SUBMIT TICKET button at the top right of the Proptia screen